Shepherd’s Fold Preschool aims to provide parents with reliable and affordable childcare services and provide children with a loving, secure Christian atmosphere that will include dialy Bible-based activities.
Shepherd’s Fold offers full time and part time care for children ages 12 months through pre-kindergarten.
Preschool Only Program:
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and is available for children 3 years old through pre-kindergarten. Children must be potty-trained to participate in this program.
Preschool and Daycare Program:
Open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday year-round, except for the following holidays: Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (Thursday & Friday), Christmas and New Year Break (Dec. 24th-Jan. 2nd) Weeks containing holidays are not prorated and there is no reduction in weekly fees that my child is absent due to illness or vacation.
Fee Schedule:
Wobblers (1-2 yrs.)
Annual Registration: $140.00
Weekly Fee Full Time 5 days: $220.00
Daily Fee Full Days Less than 5 days: $48.00
Late Fee: $50.00
Toddlers (2-3 yrs.)
Annual Registration: $140.00
Weekly Fee Full Time 5 Days: $220.00
Daily Fee Full Days Less than 5 days: $48.00
Late Fee: $50.00
Preschool (3-4 yrs.)
Annual Registration: $140.00
Weekly Fee Full Time 5 days: $220.00
Daily Fee Full Days Less than 5 days: $48.00
Late Fee: $50.00
PreKinder (4-5 yrs.)
Annual Registration: $140.00
Weekly Fee Full Time 5 Days: $220.00
Daily Fee Full Days Less than 5 days: $48.00
Late Fee: $50.00
Preschool Only
Annual Registration: $140.00
Weekly Fee Full Time 5 days: 8:00-12:00 PM
Daily Fee Full Days Less than 5 days: $37.00 per day
Late Fee: $50.00
Registration Fees: $140.00 for 1st child/$35.00 each additional child. Registration fees are due upon enrollment and annually on or before August 1st.
There are no refunds.
Registration fee and first week’s tuition are due when enrolling your child.
All tuition fees are due in advance on Monday for each week of care. Late fees are assessed on all payments not received by close of business on Tuesday.
Checks or money orders must be made payable to Shepherd’s Fold Preschool and Daycare. There is a $50 fee for all returned checks. We accept checks, credit/debit money orders and exact cash. Should tuition become one-week delinquent, your child will be withdrawn from the program until the balance is paid in full. Delinquent accounts will be sent to a collection agency and you will be responsible for all collection and late fees.Within our abilities, services will be offered for children with special needs, provided the parent, program manager and Director meet and agree on a written Individual Education Plan.
Fees are subject to change.
Contact the office at 520-625-6820 to set an appointment to enroll your child.